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Residency Guidelines:


Respect Above All  

Creating a positive and supportive atmosphere is essential. Space a+Lu is a shared living and working environment, and it’s important that each artist respects the space and the needs of others. We work together to ensure everyone has enough room to create.


If you're working with materials that produce strong smells, colors, or fumes, please use the outdoor area behind the house.


Important Guidelines  

Take Responsibility for Your Work:  

At the end of your residency, you must take everything you made, brought, or collected with you. If you can't, please recycle or dispose of it properly.



Zero Tolerance Policy: 

**No Drugs:**  

Space a+Lu strictly prohibits drug use, including even small amounts of weed. Vietnam has very strict drug laws, and violations can lead to serious legal trouble. You are fully responsible for your actions. If any drugs are found, you will be asked to leave the residency immediately and permanently.


Moderate Alcohol Use: Please enjoy alcohol responsibly and in moderation.  

Smoking: Smoking is allowed in the kitchen and garden areas, but not in the bedrooms or workspaces.

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